Monday, March 19, 2012

Best Inventions

What was the most innovative or important invention ever made? Tough question isn’t it…

A few suggestions could be found from the 1700 and 1800s. Eli Whitney created rifles with interchangeable parts, prior to this invention if a gun broke the part had to be specifically made to fit that particular weapon. 

This seems nuts to us these days as it’s only common sense to make interchangeable parts for items that have a large chance of being broken. But for the time period this was a marvelous and innovative invention that saved lots of time and money.

In 1807 Robert Fulton made a steamboat which allowed ships to be free from unknown weather patterns.
And in 1869 the transcontinental railroad was completed which literally connected the entire united states from coast to coast. 

Communication was forever changed when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone (and this was once again forever changed when the internet was created in the 1990s). 
courtesy of Flickr by macinate

Then there is Thomas Edison…he invented the vote recorder, a stock ticker tape machine, the phonograph, the electric light, motion pictures, a storage batter, a cement mixer, the Dictaphone, and a duplicating machine to name a few. Thomas Edison, to this day, had more patents than any other American!

And that’s just a few from the 1700 and 1800s! There were countless inventions then and countless have been created since then.

So what do you think was the best invention ever made?


  1. Best invention was toilet paper because now we don't have to use leaves!

  2. The common chair because school would suck without them.

  3. Teslas AC motor that concept is used every where to power the modern age. The lifeblood of the modem age.

  4. the printing press.

  5. I think the internet was the best invention because it completely changed the way we communicate. It also allowed for communication and relationships over far distances.
