Saturday, April 7, 2012

Creative People

Creativity comes in many forms; people, art, science, technology, and many more. When we think about the world creative we tend to immediately go to an object or work of art that we have seen at some point and believe it to be creative. But like my previous post on Hitler showed, a single person can be creative in numerous ways; which is why perhaps it’s a good idea to look at a person for your inspiration rather than just an object.

A few that I have learned about this semester are:
  • Lorenzo De Medici who improved his city with art.
  • Leonardo da Vinci who was able to use so many different areas of expertise and put them in to one large creative lump sum; he was an artist, scientist, technologist, engineer, and writer.
  • Michelangelo the create sculptor who could visualize his finished product before ever even chipping the first piece off the marble.
  • Elizabeth I who solved problems using a creative mind and made her kingdom so successful that they named the era after her.
  • William Shakespeare who changed plays and the English language as we know it.
  • Artemisia Gentileschi one of the few woman artists that was able to thrive and burn down the many walls placed in her way.
  • Lorenzo Bernini who was willing to go up against the much admired Michelangelo and take on artistic projects that no one else even dared to.
  • John Locke whose political creativity showed the world that governments existed to protect fundamental rights.
  • Louis XIV Who may not have been creative in a way we admire but was able to use creativity in his power to make people do exactly what he wanted them to do.
  • Isaac Newton used his scientific creativity to give us the laws of motion and show the world that objects fell to the ground for a reason—gravity.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach taught us that even though you can be very talented and a master in creativity you can still give back to your community and make the world a better place.
  • Louis Pasteur used his knowledge and the education he had received throughout his life to learn new things and make new discoveries. He took every chance that was placed before him.

These are just a few of the many creative people that live and have lived to show us easy it can be. Who are some people in your own life (living or dead) that you deem to be your creative inspiration? And why?